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  • Are you struggling with conflict?

  • Do you want to learn skills on how to connect and communicate better with others?

  • Do you struggle with finding where you fit in the world?

  • Would you like to find your ideal relationship? Would you like to know how to make your relationship work?


Well look no further!


The Needs Languages can help you discover how to resolve conflict by uncovering your personality communication type and learning how to effectively communicate.


Resolving conflict so you can be heard and happiness and belonging in your relationships. â€‹


Discover more about the Needs Languages and how our services can help you on our frequently asked questions page. 


Schedule a free 15-minute consultation or other services with The Needs Languages!


The Needs Languages

noun – needs languages /nÄ“dz/ˈlaNGÉ¡wij/


A system to identify and categorize personality types. It is fast and intuitive helping you feel connected and providing a sense of belonging in all your relationships.


The Needs Languages have helped me realize the reasons I have acted certain ways in past relationships and identify why some partners have not been a good match for me in the long run. It has also taught me to accept people for who they are and learn how to interact with them from an understanding of their basic needs. It allows me to show forgiveness for family members whom I often find it difficult to interact with.
For example, one person who is close with me has the opposite Needs Languages from me, Right and Control. Since neither of these things are my dominant needs, like they are to her, I am able to let go and let her be right or have control in order to avoid unnecessary arguments.


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