About The Needs Languages

Resolving Conflict so you can create healthy belonging in all aspects of life. In our DEAB services we assist companies with retention looking at a untapped market so innovation can thrive.

The Needs Languages

Welcome to the Needs Languages. My name is Nicole and I am a leading expert in the field of retention, with an emphasis on diversity, equity, accessibility, how people learn and communicate through personality, conflict resolution, innovation and belonging. With a MS in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and a commitment to creating inclusive and equitable environments, I, Nicole am dedicated to transforming workplaces and communities through a trauma-informed approach.

My work in the Needs Languages is characterized by a deep understanding of human behavior, organizational, dynamics and the importance of fostering environments where everyone can thrive. In other words, when employees thrive, business thrive.

According to a study done in 2008 by CCP it cost companies $359 billion dollars in conflict. These statics show how vital it is for companies to understand the value of belonging environments.

For a list of our services please check our our service page.

Reach out if:

Do you know companies where their HR staff needs training how how to be trauma informed especially around diversity and accessibility?

Are you struggling with communicating yourself in a skillful manner?

Are you struggling with feeling like you belonging in the workplace?

Do feel lost in knowing who you are and how you process information?

Are your teams struggling with communicating?

Do you want to connect better in your personal relationships with your partner, and your kids, or at work?

Do you want to understand how your employees process information and learn through their personality so they can be more effective and more productive?

Reach out : https://theneedslanguages.com/contact/

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