Tag: #communication

  • You May Not Be Cool

    We all like to think we are cool parents. I remember a story about someone’s adult parents who decided to stay with them for 5 weeks without communicating to them, […]

  • The Personality of Pets

    I look at my pets and see their personalities. What is interesting is that when you look up other modalities on personality they either say you can’t use our personality […]

  • Unaware Communication

    Words have power. I have been studying the power of words for a long time. So if words have power, how we communicate has power. What we speak to each […]

  • The Role of Empathy in Conflict

    This week we are going to talk about Conflict Resolution. In the middle of conflict, it can be really challenging to understand what the other party is going through and […]

  • Listening Class

    There are many components to communication. One of those components is listening. I remember many years ago when I was in college and I took a listening class. Yes I […]