Tag: #belong

  • Do You Belong to Your Disease

    Recently I was thinking about disease and healing. It occurred to me that there is belonging in disease. There is a comradery in disease. It is a way to associate […]

  • Belonging at the Library Really?

    A few years back, my partner’s family came to visit. We were showing them the town we lived in and all the neat food carts. Our neighborhood is a walking […]

  • The Struggle of Belonging

    What happens when people don’t feel like they belong? They are most likely going to experience a range of negative emotions, like self-doubt, isolation, depression, lack of worth and more. […]

  • Healthy Communities

    When you think of community, what immediately comes to mind?  Is it your neighborhood, your church, your school, your workplace, your family, or your friends or something else? We all […]

  • Personality Defined

    What is Personality? According to Google,  personality is, a person’s unique collection of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It’s a product of both biology and environment. Personality is relatively stable over […]