Tag: #Communiction

  • Huh?

    Last week we talked about communication and why sometimes it doesn’t always work, that it isn’t always because the person isn’t listening. I want to talk about another reason why […]

  • Does the Alignment Key Fit

    Communication can be challenging. Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and felt like they didn’t understand a word you just said? What are the clues that they didn’t?Was […]

  • Choosing Community

    Last week we talked about Personality and defined it. When you know your personality you can start to know how you fit in community. People who like to challenge personality […]

  • Even Virus Have Belonging

    You may not have ever thought that viruses need belonging to thrive. They need community just like we do. If you look at the structure of a virus it isn’t […]

  • Music Lyrics & Needs Languages

    Today I turned the TV on and was watching some random music videos. The song lyrics were stating people’s Needs Languages it was fascinating. “Put my tender heart in a […]